Just like the old school MTV show we want to uncover all the nitty gritty things that make up being a mama. True Life: Motherhood. We all know children are blessings and that we all love our kids more than life. Sometimes though it isn’t that glamorous. Sometimes you just want to punch a Bubble Guppie in the face. In a world full of social media it’s easy to get caught up comparing your behind the scenes with other mamas highlight reels. In an effort to keep things real and to show you aren’t the only one who changes the clocks to make bedtime come an hour earlier, we decided to introduce you to some fellow mamas as they share a more humorous and realistic look into their roles of being a mama.
Each week we are letting an amazing mama take over the blog and share with you a little about themselves and give you a peak into their behind the scenes. We gave all the mamas a series of questions and asked them to pick their favorite 5 to answer. If nothing else, we promise it will provide you with some amazing laughs.
This week one of our favorite blog friends Jaclyn of Beauty and the Binky is giving us an inside look into her life as a Mama. Jaclyn is an amazing mom to her sweet little boy and she is just as gorgeous on the inside as she is out. We know that you will love Jaclyn just as much as we do!
Most embarrassing moment you have had as a mom?
I think the most embarrassing moment I’ve had as a mom is the time at the splash pad when I yelled at a stranger’s child to stop spraying my son in the face. He was barely 1 at the time and I was trying to help him navigate around the big kids as much as I could without getting in the way of everyone’s fun. One of the big kids started purposely spraying his face, even after I asked her nicely to stop (explaining that he’s a little baby, etc etc). She even followed us as we moved away from her. So, I lost it. :X
Craziest tantrum your child has ever thrown?
Oh goodness, we have a historical meltdown moment that we reference often. We were at Chic-Fil-A with my best friend and her daughter, playing and eating some chick-n. 😉 As we inched closer and closer to my son’s bed time, the meltdown-o-meter started rising! I started packing up our things and cleaning up our food when my son accidentally spilled his drink…which embarrassed him…which made him cry…which made me pick him up (to console him)…which made him hit me…repeatedly…as the Chic-Fil-A employees tried to mop the water around us…which made my son try to get down to help…which made me almost drop him and everything else I was carrying…which made me basically high-tail it outta there! That incident lives to be THE meltdown story…like, “remember that time at Chic-Fil-A…”
Worst advice you have ever received?
Honestly, I don’t even know that I can choose! The worst advice I ever received was probably regarding breastfeeding. From our 2nd or 3rd day, we started receiving (unsolicited) bad advice about breastfeeding! The first bit being that I shouldn’t feed from both breasts at each feeding, but just feed from one breast at each feeding. (Completely preferential choice; no advice even needed here!)
One thing you do as a mom that you swore you would never do?
I honestly didn’t make too many promises before having a child, because I know you can’t judge a journey you’ve never been on. The one unexpected thing that I do is stay in my son’s daycare room longer than normal. I worked at a few different daycare centers through high school and college, always wondering what moms thought we did after they left since they waited around with their child for so long. I finally get my payback now, since passing my son off to his teacher is the hardest challenge of my day.
Most annoying toy your kid owns?
I cannot stand the smaller, pointy pieces that just so happen to be spread all over the floor of every room and never seem to be completely put away! I feel like a little billy goat that hops from rock to rock, avoiding the hurtful corners of Legos, on the daily.
We told you she was awesome! You do not want to miss out on all of Jaclyn’s amazing fashion, great mom advice and much more. Be sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. And when you stop by, let her know that we sent you!
So happy to be on MWOA today! 🙂
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