Remember when you were little and Birthdays were something you looked forward to?
That getting older was totally awesome and the second your Birthday came and went you were ready to count down until the next year.
{First Birthday cuteness at Chuck E Cheese}
What is it about being an adult that makes us dread Birthdays so much?
My Birthday is this Saturday. I will be 32.
Is that old? Well according to Channing {who is only one year younger} then yes, yes it is.
I haven’t looked forward to Birthdays since I was 18 years old.
18 was also the last time I actually really celebrated my Birthday.
So 14 years…..
Maybe I am old after all.
All my big milestone Birthdays, I have been pregnant. And not a little pregnant. We are talking 9 months and ready to POP!
My 21st Birthday? 9 months pregnant with Madisyn.
My 30th Birthday? 9 months pregnant with the twins.
So here I find myself at 31 {for a few more days} and reflecting on Birthdays past and thinking about all that I have learned in my almost 32 years of life.
Here is what I have got so far.
1.) You can’t force friendships. Some people will come into your life, but it will only be for a season. Maybe it will be years, and maybe only months. But if it doesn’t end in a lifelong ZOMG BFF 4EVER kind of friendship, THAT IS OK. It really is.
2.) There is a lot of good in this world. Regardless of what people in the media may say and what’s on the news, there is still good in the world. There is. There are good people that do great things every single day. Is there bad stuff too? Of course, but don’t make that your focus. Focus your attention on what you can do for others. I was reminded today by a sweet four year old just how far an act of kindness can really go.
3.) Stop caring about what others think of you. We waste far too much energy worrying about what others will think. The quote “you will stop worrying about what others think of you when you realize how seldom they do” is something we all need to embed in our brains. I know myself personally I really struggle this, but I have been really trying to work on it.
4.) Forgiveness. It is one of the most important things we can do. Life is far too short to hold grudges. It takes more effort to stay mad and hold the grudge than it does to forgive.
5.) Change is inevitable. It is part of life. It may not look different day to day or even week to week, but look back on the last year. The last 5 years, and see how many changes have taken place in your life. You can’t avoid change, so plan accordingly and be prepared to expect the unexpected.
6.) If you lie, you will get caught. Many of us may learn this the hard way. But it’s true. Don’t lie. It is such a vicious cycle and it takes so much to build someones trust and one little lie can take all that work away.
7.) Invest in yourself. This is something I am horrible at, but it is something I am learning is oh so important. If you don’t take yourself seriously, why should anyone else? Continue to learn, and grow. If we aren’t learning and growing then we are simply living out our days, which of course brings me to my next point….
8.) Live out your passions. Again, life is short. Do things you are passionate about. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to fail. And if you do fail, dust yourself off and have the courage to try again.
9.) Make the small things count. Our lives don’t have to look like a Hollywood movie to be considered important. We spend alot of time getting caught up waiting on the “big” things in life and sometimes we end up overlooking what is really important. Embrace quiet evenings in the house and dishes in the sink. They will end up being some of your happiest times I can assure you.
10.) Count your blessings. Each and every day. The big and the small. The good and the bad. Count it all and be truly thankful for the things you have been given.
Very well said. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate the everyday! And coming from your truly OLD friend, 32 is not old at all. Enjoy it!!!