Happy New Year! I’m going to be the first to admit that I am not a the biggest fan of the New Years resolution. I am a fan of a Word of the Year which tends to be a little more forgiving. As we step back and reflect on the year that was and the year that is to come, I am in awe of the daily duties that we as moms tackle. My daughter calls me Super Mom, and sometimes, I have to agree with her. We’re so overwhelmed with everyone’s schedules and activities that we forget what is important, ourselves. So sure, we want to tackle weight loss or read more books or whatever your goals and resolutions may be. But for a moment, could we put those big hairy resolutions aside and have a little fun in our lives? When was the last time you could look back and say that was exactly what your soul needed?
I thought I’d throw a few things out there that we should be doing regardless of our situation or those already identified resolutions.
So for 2017 I give you the things you SHOULD be doing for You.
Have a Cocktail….or 2 – Remember that song from high school about wearing sunscreen? Well, this my friends is my prescription for you! When do you have cocktails? When you’re having fun! You’re out with the girls or your significant other. You probably put on makeup and maybe even shaved your legs. You rebel, you. Be sure to do this regularly and often. Find a new fun restaurant or even a yummy cocktail at home. Regardless, be smart about it, but girl, get yourself a libation! Sweet Tea cocktails, anyone?
Phone a Friend – I’m not talking Who Wants to Be a Millionaire…but we can dream, right? When was the last time you picked up the phone and called your friend rather than texting or just straight up communicating via emoticon? It’s been a while for me. I’m bringing 1999 back and we’re dialing phone numbers this year. Recently, I gained a new mom friend and few weeks ago she just called me. Out of the blue to say hi. Can I tell you how dumbfounded I was. I thought there was an emergency. But ever since, we talk on the phone daily. Isn’t it funny how times have changed. So, let’s pick up those phones and be chatty again!
Put On That Pretty Dress – Show of hands, how many party dresses do you have in your closet? A couple? Okay, sure. How many still have tags on them. Okay, hopefully less. If you’re like me, you are always saving those pretty dresses for the perfect day. ( I may have one saved for a beach wedding. However, I know no one getting married on a beach anytime soon). I’m all about finding a reason to wear a fun dress. Shake the dust off and enjoy a night out. You deserve it!
Take a Bath – I know, this seems silly, but do it. When was the last time you took a bath? And no, sitting in the tub finger painting with your kiddos, doesn’t count! Even better, take a relaxing detox bath. Just 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of Epsom salts and 5 drops of lavender essential oil and soak. While you’re at it, put on that Spotify spa music station, close the door and cozy up in a face mask. Just 30 minutes. Do yourself. With the door locked. You earned that one!
Try a New Recipe – Who has the same 5 recipes you go through on a weekly basis? I’m lookin’ at you Taco Tuesday! While there is absolutely nothing wrong with your favorites that you and your picky toddler will eat, why not branch out and try something different. I especially love this Tamale Pie when we change it up. Heck, we’re having this Zuppa Toscano tonight that I didn’t read the direction well enough so we’ll see how turns out!
My hope for you is that you spend a little less time in the crazy hustle of schedules, commitments and never ending email chains and enjoy the carefree blissful lifestyle we all aspire to have. It’s there, you just have to spend a little quality time getting there. So here is to putting on those fancy high heels hiding in the closet and we have the best 2017 we possibly can. After are we are super heroes – we’re Mom’s.
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