10 years.
I have been blogging for 10 YEARS. An entire decade spent sharing my life on the internet.
I started blogging as a way to update my family. I believe my first blog was called Maddy and Mommy or something along those lines. From there my blog chronicled Will and I dating, getting engaged and eventually married and then it became Texas Tanners. A few years later I chose to take my blog in a more professional direction and I rebranded with Chaos and Coffee. And of course from there, Moms Without Answers was born alongside my best friend Channing.
We have run this blog together for almost 4 years now. To see where this blog has grown is truly amazing. From partnerships with amazing brands and fellow bloggers, to trips and experiences that I will treasure for a lifetime.
Blogging has taught me so much about who I am as a person, and who I aspire to be. I have gained friendships and confidence I never knew were possible. I have been able to share my heart with fellow mamas and encourage and be encouraged. It truly has been an incredible 10 years.
But like anything in life, there is a time and season for everything, and sadly, my time on the internet is coming to an end.
I have been in prayer long and hard about my desire to blog and the future of Moms Without Answers. I believe it was last spring when I first made mention to Channing that I thought I was done with blogging. She encouraged me to continue through this past summer and the blog conference we were set to attend to see if I would feel differently. And the conference came and went, but my feelings were the same, I truly felt like my time on Moms Without Answers and blogging in general was done.
Of course when you share something like this with your best friend they are supportive, but also sad. This space is something we created together and have grown together for almost 4 years. A lot of work has gone into this little space on the internet. Something we are both very proud of. As my heart began to be pulled in a different direction, I prayed long and hard that God would reveal a plan for moving forward and that we would both just have a sense of peace.
If you are a long time reader of ours then you will know that I got involved in a wonderful ministry at our church last Spring called Embrace Grace. Embrace Grace is a ministry geared to help young moms who have chosen life for their child. Many of the women have no family support and many do not have the support of the babies father. Our ministry partners alongside these young moms to make sure 1) they know they are loved and not alone and 2) to make sure all their needs are met and they have everything they need to prepare for their babies. After Embrace Grace the moms graduate into a program called Embrace Life where we share all about being made whole in Christ and finding our identity in Him and loving and embracing ourselves and letting go of our pasts.
I can not put into words what this ministry means to me and how strongly I feel at peace when I am leading these women. I have never felt more at peace than when I am sharing and praying for and with these women. After years of being too afraid, I am finally able to be obedient to the call God has placed on my life and I am now at a place where I am ready to put all my energy and attention into this amazing ministry.
And while God was calling me in a different direction He was also preparing a way for Moms Without Answers and Channing moving forward.
As many of you know, one of our biggest blog goals for the last several years was being invited to Disney Social Media Moms Conference. It was a huge thing to us. And amazingly enough this last month, Channing got invited!! When we realized it was just her that got the invitation, in true Channing fashion, she began to cry. But for me, I couldn’t help but smile and be happy and know this was exactly the answer to my prayer. No jealousy or questions of “why not me”. Just complete and utter happiness for my friend. And that’s when it became clear to me and I knew in my heart I was really done with Moms Without Answers and this was God’s way of giving us both that sense of peace we had been longing for. My blog goals and dreams were no longer important to me, my goals had changed and my focus had shifted from blogging to Embrace Grace. All that mattered was that my friend would feel confident moving forward in this space without me and excited for what was ahead. And nothing will get you more excited for the future than Disney!
Our next step was sharing with our amazing contributing team that I would be stepping away from blogging. Of course we were met with nothing but love and support and I am happy to say that Moms Without Answers will still be here thriving and encouraging and inspiring you all each week. Channing has so many new ideas she is ready to implement and I am so excited to see what all they accomplish. I know that big big things are in store and I can not wait to be cheering them on and celebrating alongside them.
10 years really did fly right by.
To all of you lovely readers who have supported me over the last 10 years, THANK YOU. Thank you for your kind words, your sweet comments, your thumbs ups and hearts. Each and every one made an impact not only on our blog but also on me. You were a friend I never knew I needed, an outlet to share my voice with, and each of you have forever changed me just by taking the time to read the words I put up on the internet. I am forever grateful to you for every opportunity we were given.
To my fellow MWOA contributors and fellow mom bloggers, YOU GO GIRLS! Seriously I have never met a group of more inspiring, lovely, kind women in all my life. I can say with a thankful heart that while the internet can bring out a lot of hate, I have only ever had the pleasure of seeing love and kindness spread and been received with open arms and support from each and every one of you. Continue to spread that love. Drown out the darkness with your light. Know that what you do, is so much more than “just a mom blogger”. You each have been called to share your story. To encourage. To uplift. To inspire. Never take for granted the voice you have been given. What you do matters. It truly does. Don’t ever allow anyone to make you feel differently. Tell your stories. Spread your light. And know that I will always, ALWAYS be your biggest fan!
To my sister Channing, YOU’VE GOT THIS. These last 4 years have been amazing and I am forever grateful for this space we created. Our friendship started when we were just 15 years old…and over the last 20 years has only developed into a sisterhood. While some may think a blog defines our friendship, we both know that we are family and that there is nothing in the world that will ever change that. I know that God is not finished with you or this space and that you have amazing stories left to tell. I know full well that you will continue to grow and thrive and do amazing things, because that is just what you do and who you are. You are hands down the most giving and loving and supportive person I know. Everyone that is blessed to know you in real life knows that. You are a bright bright light in this world and I am not sure what I ever did to get to have you in my life for this long, but I know that I am a better person because of you. Never doubt yourself or your abilities. Know that you are capable and called to share. Be the light. Spread your joy. And know that I am always only a phone call away.
I love you all so very much. Thank you for an amazing 10 years.
You are amazing. Wishing you all the best in the world, mama! And Channing, I’ll always keep reading!
Wow!!! My heart is overflowing from the vulnerability and genuine love I feel when I read your words! They aren’t just written to a vast majority, they are perfectly spoken from your soul and the way hearts abundant outpouring is trickling down my cheeks confirms your sincerity and deepest love for you sister, friend, passions, convictions and decisions! I pray you gain above and beyond the blessings your finite mind can hope for as you seek to adhere to the Holy Spirits calling on your life and that God reveals how truly happy He is to you that you, His daughter, embraced His will as her greatest adventure yet and the best is yet to be revealed in His infinite love and guidance on your journey! I have never read any of your blogs until I saw the Disney Printables as I wanted to print them and fill my personal Origami Owl Office with positive and inspiring mantras that will impact my heart and rub off on my relationship with my spouse and our sons! Positivity breeds more positivity and love is the only force that can cast out darkness! The beautiful, Agape love you and your “sister” share! The love that you have conveyed so perfectly in this farewell a-due! Blessings and Grace to you daily! ~ Amy Renee