Can you do me a favor?
Let’s for today’s purposes remove the whole “internet” part from our title of internet friends
Today we are just friends. Two women having a chat, mom to mom.
You in your stained shirt and yoga pants and me in mine. Third day hair thrown up in a messy bun.
Today let’s be the realest and most raw versions of ourselves together.
In our judgement free zone we established I would share with you how much I have been struggling lately.
Self Care is a big thing, and when you don’t do it….it starts to take a toll.
The kids, the husband, the house, job, chores, friends, and all the other commitments we take on. We put all of them before our own well being and eventually the bottom falls out and things get hard.
Sometimes it doesn’t happen all at once, and sometimes it takes awhile to notice but after a while you feel the burnout, the stress, the struggle. Do you see those emails I have been letting pile up??!! OH. MY. WORD.
It’s hard to have a bad day, or week, or month when you are a mom. You have littles to care for. A home to tend to. A hubby to love on.
But taking time for YOU is necessary. I am learning more and more how much I need to live this out.
The rest of my commitments…my family, my home, #allthethings are only going to be as good as what I put into them. And if I have reached the bottom of the bucket, I don’t have very much to give.
I am trying to find ways to take time for myself…
Some morning yoga – I look as ridiculous as you would imagine
Reading more than just Curious George – Shauna Niequist’s new book Present Over Perfect is AMAZING and I think every human ever needs to read this book.
Exercising. Elle Woods said endorphins make you happy so there is that, and also I need to be more mindful of my health that will contribute to my overall wellness.
Girls Nights
Spending time alone to write, or journal or just sit and watch TV
Finding what makes me happy again. Because my happiness is just as important as anyone else’s in my family.
I think as moms we put so much pressure on ourselves. We feel like we have to have it all together and we are quick to judge ourselves and others when we don’t. The fact is we are all overcommitted. Some of us struggle in silence, and some are more vocal about our needs.
I saw this quote last week on Lysa TerKeurst’s FB page and it made me really think….
“I am a woman who desperately needs grace, therefore I should be a woman who freely offers grace”.
Grace to others, grace to our kids, to our spouses….
Grace to ourselves.
It’s ok to say your tired. Or that you are desperately trying to hold it together. Chances are that as we chat over our coffee or tea in our messy buns and yoga pants, that you will meet my gaze with a tear in your eye and say “Me too mama, me too”.
Self Care Mamas. It’s not only important, but it’s a requirement. This week let’s make a promise to take care and give grace.
What are some ways you take time for yourself when you are feeling the burdens of life?
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