So I will just be honest friends, I did not have it in me to come up with a cute Christmas craft or recipe or do anything that required any real work. I think this is where the hashtag sorry not sorry is inserted?! Seriously though, it wasn’t happening and so I thought to myself what could I do for a post that would require minimum work and as you already see…..If You Really Knew Me. It’s happening. Get excited. Or click the red x. Whatever butters your bread.
Hopefully you stick around though, because I think I am pretty cool, and who doesn’t want to get to know cool people?
OK, enough chit chat, let’s do this…..
If you really knew me, you would know that *spoiler alert* I am actually not that cool. Like not even close. I had a brief stint of “popularity” in Middle School, but it didn’t last and I haven’t been cool since. I am actually a big ol’ dork, and I am totally ok with that. I would always choose home over a night on the town. I don’t know the cool places to eat in town or even what is popular on the radio. I do however know all the latest Disney Jr shows and whats happening on Sprout TV. And that makes me cool to my kids.
If you really knew me, you would know that my most favorite candy in the history of all candy is not chocolate. Chocolate doesn’t speak to me. A bag of La Kings Gummy Bears though? They are magical.
If you really knew me, you would know that I am a shower singer. Each morning at 6:30 am I put on a killer performance. Thankfully for my husband he can sleep through anything because I blast my little blue tooth speaker and its a full on dance party. It’s the best way to start my day. My morning jams this morning included Shake It Off, Bang Bang, Boss, All I Do Is Win and I am a tad embarrassed to admit it, but Night Changes by One Direction. Yes I know I am 32 and not a 14 year old girl, but I seriously am obsessed with that song.
If you really knew me you would know that I like to channel Michael Jordan when I write, play a sport, or really just about anytime. And what I mean by that is I always stick out my tongue. Always. I played Volleyball all growing up and it was a running joke about how every picture taken at a match had my tongue hanging out. It’s also my go to selfie pose because I just can’t take myself seriously to ever just look at the camera and smile.
If you really knew me you would know that I despise food scented things. Vanilla scented candles, lotion or perfumes make me cringe. I have no idea what it is because it seems like they are always a popular scent but I just can not handle them. I am a floral, fresh and fruity kind of gal. My favorite scents include The Body Shop Satsuma Body Wash (YUM) and Juicy Couture perfume.
If you really knew me, you would know that I am not a hugger. I really don’t like to be touched all that much. It is always something Channing and I joke about because her husband is a hugger. And he is a huge ol’ firefighter and without fail every time I see him, which is pretty often, he always always gives me a big ol’ hug. Every time.
If you really knew me, you would know that I am obsessed with You Tube as of late. I have spent more hours than I care to admit watching all of my new faves, which ironically enough are pretty much all beauty channels. Eleventh Gorgeous, Amelia Liana, Essie Button….I love them all. Seriously You Tube has even replaced my beloved HGTV and even Bravo. My DVR is backed up with a good two weeks of trashy Vanderpump goodness that I have been neglecting. I have seen one too many Sephora Hauls and Christmas Gift Guides, and yet I still can’t get enough.
If you really knew me, you would know that I hope to be a gestational carrier in the next few years. It is something I have felt called to do since High School, and something I am still very passionate about today. I still have some weight to lose so I can be as healthy as I can be, but hopefully soon (once PA school is over of course) we will start our journey.
If you really knew me, you would know that…..
My Favorite Color is Blue.
My Favorite Movie is Steel Magnolias.
My Favorite Drink is Diet Coke.
My Favorite Book is Little Women.
My Favorite TV Show is Friends (always will be)
Riveting stuff huh?
Thanks for letting me share some random things about myself with you, and most importantly thanks for allowing me to let my brain reset and forgive my lack of witty creative content.
Now that we are basically family, what is one thing about you that people may not know?
This is awesome! I have many friends who are not that great at hugs. They give the nice little pat on the “get off me” back. 🙂
One thing about me that people may not know is, “I’m a disorganized mess at home.”