Am I Really Busy?
It’s something I have been asking myself a lot lately. As a mom of four, you would just assume that I am. I say I am busy, or “we” are busy often, but really, when I get down to it, I don’t think that we are.
I started thinking about this all a few months ago. Trying to keep a mental count of how many times I claimed I was busy. There have been lots of things to get me to this point….a point of questioning.
One example took place a few months ago when some girlfriends and I wanted to plan to meet for a Bible Study. We wanted to gather together to study God’s word and encourage each other and lift each other up in prayer. We bought all the materials, we got everything all set up. We met one time.
We were all too “busy”.
Too busy to study God’s word. Too busy to to encourage friends.
The other day I was working on this here blog and Megan asked me to play a game with her. “I am BUSY” I snapped at her.
Yep, I said it. The blog over my own child. That was when I knew I had lost touch with reality.
What does “busy” even really mean?
Being the dork that I am, I looked up “busy” in the Dictionary and for those who are curious…..Busy (adjective) – actively doing something.
I don’t work out because I am too busy.
I don’t spend quiet time with the Lord because I am too busy.
I don’t call to check on extended family and tell them I love them or just call to say hello because I am too busy.
I neglect friendships because I am too busy.
I neglect my own family because I am too busy.
I don’t get involved with my kids school because I am too busy.
News flash Michelle………stop confusing busy with LAZY.
The word busy means to be actively doing something……yet half of the things I am too busy for, are really things I am just too lazy to do.
I seem to have plenty of time for binge watching Netflix. Scrolling through Instagram. Blogging. Pinterest. Sleeping. I make time for getting pedicures. Going to Target for the 800th time and countless other insignificant things.
Is it good to have time for myself? Of course. But always being quick to pull the “I am busy” card has got to stop.
One of my goals for 2015 was to be more intentional with my relationships, and that means I have to start owning up to the fact that I fall short and that I am just not as busy as I claim to be. I don’t ever want to be the person that is telling family, friends, the people that I love, that I am too busy for them. Because in the end all the meetings, deadlines, appointments and extra fluff won’t matter. The relationships, the people, love….that’s all that really matters.
This past weekend, one of my favorite people went home to be with Jesus after his battle with cancer. To me he will always be Rabbit. My Dad’s best friend. He was family. He and my Dad, best friends for over 70 years. 70 YEARS. That kind of friendship and brotherhood isn’t maintained from being busy. No, he and my Dad talked every single day. Every day. I sure don’t have a friend that I have had for 70 years, I don’t even have one that I have had for 20. And I don’t have a friend that I make sure to talk to daily. Not a one. Because I do not make friendships a priority. I am lazy, not busy.
And that has got to end, because really…
Here’s to being less “busy” in 2015.
Michelle, this post really got me thinking! I am definitely guilty of doing this, and definitely need to be more intentional with my time. Being “busy” isn’t watching an entire season of FRIENDS in one night (like I have been doing recently.) Thank you for this!
I really loved this post! I’ve been trying to figure out a way to write a post similar to this one….I’m just confused as to why our culture is obsessed with being busy. When I’m busy I don’t have time to talk to relatives, plan dinners for my family, see friends, play with my son, study the bible, etc. I enjoy a slower paced life and although the days seem to slip away faster and faster, I hope I always take a time out and enjoy just being with family and friends, doing things for others, worshipping our Lord, etc.
Loved this article!! You nailed it girl! 🙂 I had been thinking the same thoughts and about a week ago I deleted my IG because I spent too much (busy) time on it. I couldn’t go to sleep without checking out what’s new. Was checking it as soon I woke up, several times throughout the day…. I couldn’t accomplish anything for being “busy” online! 🙂 I kept Pinterest because I love the recipes and arts but I limit my time on it. We do have time for things….it’s just whatever we want the most. Our Priorities. Social media is great, we just need to balance it. I have soo been enjoying my extra time now! Getting a lot more accomplished in a day!
Thanks for your encouraging words. I certainly enjoyed your writings! 🙂
This is AMAZING! ‘Busy’ has been such an excuse for every single thing, and almost a rhetorical answer to anyone that asks me ‘How are you?’ Good job girlfriend, we all need the call out. to be nudged in the right direction.
This is such a great post! Not only is it a great topic, it is very well written.
wow. What a wonderful reminder!
wow. What a wonderful reminder!
Great thoughts! Our pastor touched on this a few Sundays ago saying how everyone is guilty of answering, “How are you?” with “Busy.” I know I am. I feel so busy, but yet at the end of the day I want to collapse and relax. And it is important to recharge, but I need to make sure I’m not making excuses. 🙂