Some of these are for physical comfort, some are more mental. They have all been absolutely essential to keep me feeling good though. I hope you like them too!

I heard about all kinds of magic stretch-mark creams and lotions. I read somewhere that stretch marks are not always preventable – some people are genetically disposed to them and some aren’t, regardless of how well you lotion up. I knew either way I’d need some good lotion but didn’t want to pay an arm and a leg, so I tried coconut oil as recommended by a friend and many blogs/websites. I used it for the first trimester and part of the second, and although it made my skin super soft, it wasn’t slowing down the stretch marks at all. I decided to go back to my favorite lotion ever – a simple tub of Eucerin – and I tell you what, I haven’t gotten a new stretch mark since! This stuff really is intense but that’s what I like about it. Highly recommend, pregnant or not! This specific kind (in a tub) is better than their other types, in my opinion.


So, what are/were your pregnancy faves? Are any of them the same as mine? I just hit the third trimester so I’m sure I’ll have new needs and new faves soon, but for now, these are them! If you want to come visit me, I’m over at Pretty Providence – my frugal lifestyle blog or Funky Fresh – where I blog about my life, my house, music, food, and whatever else I want!
[…] case you missed it: a week or so ago I guest blogged about my pregnancy must-haves over on Moms Without Answers. You can also find new posts about my kitchen update, and my love for […]