Happy Monday friends! Aren’t Mondays just glorious. (cue all sighs and eye rolling here)
It is Monday and typically around here that means its time for a video.
Yes, we have been slacking lately but last night, sleep deprived and all we shot this little gem.
One of our goals here at MWOA is to really connect with you, create a community of sorts and really talk about what is important to you.
In order to do that we went to our search engine to see how you found us.
What did we find out you ask? Just watch…….
We found out you people are nuts but, apparently no more crazy than we are.
So, welcome crazy friends thanks for stopping by!
(We are going to trust that you are not creeps……..)
Oh my gosh these search terms are hilarious!
I love that y’all are open with your crazy… more people should be!! 🙂 And for that reason, I nominated this blog for the One Lovely Blog award! No need to participate, but I want you to know I think you’re award-worthy!!