I think my favorite part about the Holiday season are all the traditions we have as a family. Weather they are old or new, there is something so special about doing something with your loved ones year after year. Even more special are the traditions when we as a family focus on others and the spirit of serving and reminding ourselves and our kids that the Holiday season is about love and spreading kindness.
A few weeks ago while working the Book Fair at my daughters school, our librarian (aka one of my close friends) introduced me to the North Pole Ninjas and I was instantly intrigued. We have been mildly into the whole Elf thing over the years, doing our own version each year but when I started reading about the Ninjas, I got super excited.
For starters my boys are obsessed with all things Ninjas, so right off the bat I knew it would be a win in their eyes. But aside from the story and the cute kit, North Pole Ninjas is so much more…
You may not know that Santa has a team of special elves, selected for their ability to help carry out top-secret missions that are all about helping, giving, caring, and listening. Anyone who receives this box is called upon to help carry out those top secret missions with a bit of stealth and an open heart. The book retells the ancient legend the North Pole Ninjas use for new recruits. After reading the book, readers are given their own Ninja missions to carry out: 50 special tasks packed in a special envelope. Complete with a plush and huggable “sensei” to guide Ninjas on their journey.
Some of my favorite missions I have read so far are:
- Write a letter to your sibling or best friend and tell them exactly why you love them
- Bake cookies and bring them to someone special who could use a treat
- Bring a bag of groceries to your local food bank
- Make a super top secret Holiday ornament for a neighbor and leave it on their doorstep
I really am so excited to start this new tradition with our kids. I think all of them will love accepting the missions each day. We plan to get started the Friday after Thanksgiving so we have extra time to spread as much kindness and Christmas cheer as possible.
What is your favorite Holiday tradition? Have you ever heard of the North Pole Ninjas?
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