Hey Moms! Don’t you just love mornings, they are just great aren’t they! They are especially great when you are wrangling kids (herding cats) trying to get out the door.
I don’t know about you but my kids have a radar in the morning. This radar causes them to lose. their. minds if they see that Mom needs them to cooperate.
Because my kids do not feel the need to participate in a lovely, easy morning I thought it might be nice for me to outline for them 10 Ways Moms Should NOT Start Their Morning.
If you run into or see my kids any time in the near future, please feel free to share this with them. Their Mom thanks you!
10 Ways Moms Should NOT Start Their Morning:
1. Moms should not start their morning with MOM! MOM! MOM! being yelled throughout the entire house for any reason except if someone is bleeding, dying, or throwing up. Any other reason like needing a snack, is unacceptable.
2. Moms should not start their morning having to clean up a poopie diaper that has been smeared into every nook and cranny of a crib, your walls and anything else within arms reach. This should not happen ever, at any point in the day.
3. Moms should not start their morning at 3am. Nough said!
4. Moms should not start their morning with an almost 9 year old fashionista that she HAS to wear her too small sleeveless shirt in this freezing weather or all of her school will make fun of her for not looking cool?? You know, come to think of it, I too look “cool” when I am freezing my rear off!
5. Moms should not start their morning with the cat coughing up a hair ball.
6. Moms should not start their morning to your 2 year old getting “stuck” in an infant chair because she must prove that in fact is still a baby. And, do not think about calling her a big girl.
7. Moms should not start their morning to a 2 year old coloring a pretty picture for Mommy ON the arm of the the couch. You don’t, I promise!
8. Moms should not start their morning with the fashionista freaking out because she “forgot” to do a piece of her homework last night but managed to squeeze in a viewing of her favorite show and, if she doesn’t complete it she will get a conduct mark. All I can say is grounded my friend, grounded!
9.Moms should not start their morning with the realization that because of all the fun you have already had this morning a shower is nowhere in your near future for the day.
I apologize to any of you that I come in contact with. You are more than welcome to walk away slowly if the stench is too bad. It’s a direct result of my morning and I apologize.
10. Moms SHOULD start their morning thankful that their children are healthy and safe at home ready to run havoc all over the house again tomorrow. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way!
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