Alright, Alright, Alright…
Still can’t stress enough just how excited I am that it’s finally here, and our little blog is live.
I figure I should probably kick things off with a little introduction.
I am Michelle. I have lived in the same suburb of Houston pretty much all my life. Once upon a time, I was going to move to New York City to live out my Broadway dreams, but all of that changed once I became a mom.
And I became a mom when I was just 21 years old. And life was rough for a little while.
But, I had Madisyn and we lived a happy life just the two of us.
Then, when Madisyn was 4, I met and fell in love with an amazing man whom I now call husband. Or Will. And after about a year and a half of dating, we were married in Lake Tahoe.
And we quickly grew our little family of 3 to a family of 4, when our daughter Megan was born.
And then the four of us lived a happy and crazy life for a couple years. Work, Nursing school, life with two kiddos. But we wanted more. And so we decided to grow our family, and grow we did.
In October of 2012 we welcomed Jack and Liam into the world and our TWIN BOYS made our family complete.
What can we say, we like to keep things interesting! And our not so little family is fixing to go through some more BIG changes. Will is going back to school to become a PA and he will start this July. I will be returning to work, and we will all be adjusting to a new kind of normal. All that and throw a new blog venture into the mix and voila… me in a nutshell.
Really though, the important stuff for me is my family, my faith and my love of College Football. I have a slight addiction to HGTV and Bravo. I could live off of Chuy’s creamy jalapeno ranch and I start pretty much every day with an iced coffee (even when it’s cold out). My favorite color is Blue. My dream vacation would be to Greece. If I could have dinner with someone famous I would totally pick Jimmy Fallon. Random? Maybe, but that dinner would be EPIC. I love music of all kinds, reading, crafting, margaritas, the beach. I live in yoga pants, yet have never taken a yoga class in my life. (And I am pretty sure I am not the only guilty party here. It’s cool we are in a safe space here friends….own those yoga pants, track suit or whatever other “momiform” you rock on a daily basis).
Whew, y’all still with me? If so, kudos to you! Seriously though, I am pretty open. In fact, I usually over share, so if you ever want to know more about me feel free to ask. You can also learn more about my not so little family over at our blog Chaos & Coffee.
I am looking forward to getting to know so many of you amazing mamas and excited for the potential community that will be created through this space. In the comments tell me a little something about yourself. Another fun fact about me is I love making new friends!
You are fabulous!
So happy for you ladies! This blog is going to be grrrrreat! Mommies that keep it real…my kind of thing!!!
There is nothing wrong with oversharing… Makes it all more familiar and personal!! I’m jealous that you’re still in the same suburb we grew up in, but am grateful that I’ve had experiences outside of there too!
I also am OBSESSED with orange. Like have a serious addiction to the color.