Man, where has the time gone? How is it possible that I have a 144 month old?
What?? You don’t still count in months the age of your now 12 year old?
Yeah me neither.
BUT seeing as how tomorrow my first baby will be TWELVE, I thought it called for something extra special. And because I never got to do these little updates when she was a baby, you will have to just humor me for the day.
A few things about my “baby” that I want to remember……
Weight: A 144 month old never tells….
Length: About shoulder high to her mama. Won’t be long until she towers over me.
Hair: Short and sassy just like her
Eyes: Blue/Grey – and now always trying to scope out the cute boys {Cringe}
Clothes: Did I mention she was 144 months? Yeah clothes….she’s got ’em. She has got a TON.
Diapers: Nope, she uses the potty like the big girl that she is
Sleeping: It seems we have hit some kind of 144 month sleep regression. All of a sudden she is up later and later. On the plus side though, she does sleep in on the weekends.
Likes: Dance, Old TV Shows like Saved By The Bell & Full House, Friends, Makeup, and against her mamas wishes….Boys. {Cringe again}
Dislikes: Her mom doing embarrassing updates and posting them on the internet. And vegetables.
Eating: We are clearly going through a growth spurt because she eats everything in sight. Still the picky eater she was at 8 and 9 months. Favorite foods include steak and pizza.
Milestones: There have been a lot in this last year…..
- Finishing Elementary school
- Starting Jr. High
- Wearing makeup
- Learning to play the drums
- Promoting to an advanced class at Dance
- Starting to stay home alone (for about 15 minutes at a time)
Items We Can’t Live Without: Jesus. He is the only one that is gonna get us through the teen years.
In all seriousness though, these last 12 years have been some of the fastest and yet some of the most rewarding years of my life. Madisyn changed me for the better from the day she entered this world, and she continues to make me better each and every day. She challenges me and inspires me and makes me laugh. As long as I am living, my baby she will be.
Happy Birthday Madisyn Grace. You are loved.
LOL I love this. Happy birthday, Maddy!!! You are the awesomest 144 month old ever!!