This word has been the topic of many discussions these past few weeks. The definition of what love is has been challenged and debate after debate has ensued. Who knew a word filled with so much hope could bring so much divide.
But what we all fail to forget is that #LoveWins happened many many more years ago and the definition was already created.
I am a mom to 3 little girls. Little girls with futures. Little girls with dreams. Little girls who have plans for their lives. Little girls who I pray grow up to be women that understand the true meaning of what LOVE is.
I want them to know that love, true love, sees past color, race, political preferences, income or anything else. The kind of love that we are to have for others sees their heart. It sees others pain and struggles, it does not define them based on their weaknesses but loves others despite of them.
Love, when you really look at the true meaning of what it is, is simple.
Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with every decision they make or belief they have but it does mean that you have to show them patience and kindness. It means that it is not our place to condemn or show anger. Love has already conquered all and that is why we are always able to have hope and always persevere.
Love is not ours to define. Love was given to us on the cross and now it our responsibility to show its true meaning to a world full of brokeness.
Christians, let us rejoice in the truth in knowing that love will always win. It already has.
This was absolutely a beautiful post. This is what I truly believe in. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on #lovewins and hopefully one day we all can be in peace and not judge anyone for any reason.
Yes, mamela Pamela!!! Amen. Thank you for giving all of us a reminder of hope and love. #LoveWins because it already won. 🙂