When you really think about it, there is a lot of power in the number FIVE.
A lot can happen in 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 years……..
In 5 seconds, my twins can successfully undo an entire bag of Goldfish spilling them all over the carpet and then turning it into a fine orange dust. Seriously, all the need is 5 seconds.
In 5 hours, I complete an entire school day with my PreK 4 kiddos. 5 hours to prepare them for Kinder and 5 hours to tell them how much Jesus loves them. In those 5 hours we have circle time, snack, centers, recess, art, science, music, spanish, chapel, lunch, story time. It never ceases to amaze me how much we can pack into those 5 hours each day.
In 5 days, our family accomplishes a TON. During the week those 5 days entail work, school, extra curricular activities, meetings, play time, cleaning, laundry. Oh the laundry. I can’t even begin to tell you just how much laundry I do in 5 days time. It seriously never ends.
And then there’s the years…..
In 5 years you can celebrate being married. Will and I have been married for 5 years. Well, for a few more months anyways – we will ring in the 6 year anniversary in March. In 5 years we have have done more than I could have ever dreamed. Between the babies, and going back to school, moves, travels, and so much more, we have packed a lot into life.
And in 5 short years, your baby can go from this……
to this…..
Tomorrow, my Megan Kate will be FIVE YEARS OLD. I know it is so cliche to say “it feels like it was just yesterday that they were born”, but seriously, it does. I remember it well. Everything from my water breaking while talking to my coworkers in the school office, to an easy delivery, to her crazy reflux. Homegirl used to projectile vomit like it was her J-O-B! It was just yesterday, and yet here I find myself sitting at the computer and typing out the words 5 years old. I have not come to terms with the fact that she will be in Kinder next year. And that the years of having her home with me are coming to an end.
At 5 years old, Megan is one of the funniest kids I know. She is smart, cool and most of all she is so compassionate. She has such a heart for people and for animals of all kinds. She always thinks of others and never ceases to amaze me.
She is a spit fire for sure, but I am so proud to be her mama and I love my little bug.
Happy Happy Birthday Megan Kate. Mommy loves you more than she could ever say in words.
Happy birthday, Megan!!! From your BFF Annelise. (And a big shout-out to you, Michelle, for raising such a sweet girl.)
Happy birthday, sweet Megan! I love how our girls have birthdays a day apart. She is such a sweet, pretty girl! We are glad she is our friend and hope she has a wonderful day tomorrow!!
It’s all surreal & going way too fast! Such a sweetie! Hope she has a FANTASTIC birthday!!! 🙂