This is a true story.
Of 4 kids.
Picked to live in my house, fight together and have their lives taped (or documented through blogging) to find out what happens when their mom stops being polite, and starts getting REAL.
This is the Real World – HOT MESS MOM.
And in this moms real world, things don’t always go according to plan. A little back story for you all. When our team was planning our week of “Day in the Life” series we each came up with an angle we would like to share with you all. You have already heard from Jenn our SAHM and Sara our Twin Mom, and I had decided that I wanted to share a day in the life of a mom off duty. I wanted to share my beautiful day of getting a mani/pedi, drinking Starbucks while it’s hot, eating a quiet peaceful lunch, catching up on household chores and all the other things that mother’s dreams are made of. You know, to remind mamas all over the interwebs that time for ourselves is important.
Did I get to do that? OF COURSE NOT!!
I have 4 stinking kids. The fact that I even thought I could share that kind of day with you all shows how out of touch with the Real World I am.
No, there was no Mom Off Duty day for me.
Instead you get to take a glimpse of my hot mess life.
On this particular day I was called and asked if I could help sub at the boys school and so while I was happy to help, it completely threw off my day and made things a little more chaotic than normal. Not to mention my husband is usually off on Mondays, but he was called into surgery so he was gone all day as well further adding to the chaos.
6am – Wake Up Call
My mornings consist of lunch packing, toddler wrangling, teenage “I have nothing to wear my life is over drama” fires to put out, and getting myself and 4 smaller versions of me ready for the day. I generally like to pack lunches the night before but since I was not planning on the boys staying for lunch at school I had to throw together this collection of pantry finds. Yes, those are lunchables. Yes, I let my kids eat them. Yes, you can have an opinion about that. But no, you can’t share it with me. Just be nice.
7am – Wake The Crazies
So without fail I wait for the very last minute to wake the twins up in the morning. 1) because they are amazing sleepers and would sleep until 9 if I would let them and 2) because they will destroy my house in 5 minutes flat and when we are trying to get out the door in a hurry it’s best to wake them with the least amount of time possible. From the moment the wake up they are happy and full of energy. This blur basically sums up their #morningmood perfectly. On the go from the moment they rise.
8am – School Drop Offs
5 days a week I take 4 kids to 3 different schools. All that start at different times, but somehow they always need to be places at the same time. I feel like I have been awake a solid 12 hours usually just by 9am. Like I said, this particular morning I was working at the boys school and so we had to drop off the girls extra early and rely on carpools so everyone could get where they needed to be. God bless the carpool.
9am -1pm – Livin’ that substitute life
Sadly, I couldn’t share with you a large chunk of my day because #safety. But during those hours I played with 5 babies. I changed only 1 poopy diaper and wiped about ten thousand boogers so I mean, not a bad day.
2pm – Target Calls
As with most of my days, I found time to slip in a trip to my beloved Target. We went for something specific I know (a box and laundry detergent for those curious), but of course we left with about 5lbs of Easter Candy and a spring wardrobe for my middle daughter. And I mean, when in Target a mama should always treat herself to a Starbucks. I think it’s like a rule or something.
3pm – CarRider Line Is A Four Letter Word
I am almost scared to calculate the number of hours I spend in car rider pickup lines every year. Praise Jesus for a minivan with a DVD player. Trolls = my minivan nanny. It seems to never fail, no matter what time I enter the line I will wait no less than 25 minutes to pick up my kids.
4pm – Treat Yo’ Self Time
Every day the second we all get home from school I become the Snack Fairy and my children think I actually produce fruit snack and goldfish from my hands. Once we have stood at the pantry and fridge for a solid 30 minutes going over all our snack options 50+ times, it’s time to treat myself. Thankfully I had the 5 lbs of Easter Candy to come to my rescue and man, did these really hit the spot. For the 5 minutes my sugar high lasted.
5pm – Never Ending Laundry
The laundry fairy skipped my house (again) so I was left to the task of the 6 loads of laundry to do that day. I realize we have a fairly big family but how we go through so many clothes and towels, I will never understand. There are always laundry mountains in every hamper and on average I do 3-4 loads a day.
6pm – Shoe Shopping (AKA Mommy Loses Her Mind)
I know kids, since Daddy is working late let’s all go to the store and buy your sister some new shoes that are not an emergent need. That sounds like a good idea right? Truth be told, I actually have really well behaved kids but even they have their listening limits. And they had reached them about 10 minutes prior to us walking into Academy. I am happy to report though that we did leave with shoes for the bargain price of $18 and most of my sanity.
When that husband of yours says he can meet you at the store and you sneak away while he wrangles the kids for 20 minutes so you can slip into your favorite store. Just a small glimpse into my dreamed up off duty day, and it was glorious!
8pm – Daddy On Duty
We got home late and I let the husband take over bed time duty so that I could take myself a little breather. As much as I love makeup, I love nothing more than taking it OFF and treating my skin to a nice face mask. I listen to the kids scream in the bath and if I shove the earbuds in my ears hard enough, it’s almost like being at a spa. At least I think, I wouldn’t know because I haven’t been to one in years.
9pm – Date With Adam Levine
Once the kids are asleep for the night, we can finally get some down time in. We had plenty to do, but once we realized The Voice was on, it was game over. A couch date with my favorite dudes (the hubby and Adam Levine) and my day can turn around real quick.
10 pm – Monday Night Mush
Since the husband and I don’t really see a lot of each other these days we have been trying to take time right before bed to play catch up and just remind each other how much we love each other. Because some days we need extra reminding. This was after the husband was thanking for me for working so hard and flying solo with the kiddos so much recently and just expressing his love and appreciation for me. As you can see, I take compliments really well.
In all seriousness though, our lives are super chaotic right now. I am the epitome of a Hot Mess Mom on a daily basis. I cry in the bathroom more times than I care to admit, and feel like I am constantly running in circles and being pulled in all directions. But even just sitting here typing this all out and sharing with you my boring and lame day, I am overcome with joy. My people may be crazy, but gosh dang do I love the heck out of them.
They are my people.
And I am one blessed hot mess.
Props to you, Mama.. for even remembering those details of your day! HA! One of my fave times of the day is the time Daddy gets off so he can take over the bedtime routine!!
I’m glad to see you get some YOU time at Sephora 🙂
xo, Bev