I had this grand idea to announce that this is Michelle’s birthday week but she already went there in her last post (which was awesome btw) and ruined my grand plan.
But, nonetheless I will not deprive you of a love letter to my friend on her birthday. She deserves it you know!
Wow, you sure are old! How does it feel? Do your knees hurt? They say that happens when you get older, that and every year your boobs may sag a little more.
But, enough of talking about how old you are and how much younger I am (4 months, ha!), here is to you!
It’s your birthday, your day of birth!
I do not stop enough and tell you how much I love and appreciate you and what better day than today (or tomorrow, your actual birthday) to tell you. So without further adieu.
- YOU are HONEST- no matter what the situation or circumstance your opinion and response is always filled with honesty. I love this quality in you.
- You are LOYAL- You are a loyal wife, mother, daughter, friend. You love those in your life and you support and stand behind them no matter what.
- YOU are HILARIOUS- there are only a few people in everyone’s life that can make you laugh til you pee and in my life you are one of those people. Thank you for making my pee my pants.
- YOU love YOGA PANTS as much as I do. Nough said.
- YOU are a GREAT MOM! This mom job is tough but you are amazing at it.
- YOU have a HEART for others- Whether it is planning to be a surrogate, foster kids, take in exchange students, volunteer everywhere, feed anyone who walks through your doors etc. You love others and I love this about you.
- YOU LOVE JESUS! As your friend I have loved to see how you have allowed Him to mold you and how you have always trusted him with the unthinkable. Your faith has not waivered and that alone is a blessing to see.
- YOU and I have stories, good stories. Stories that will last a life time and will be shared with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I love having these memories with you.
- YOU make AWESOME French toast.
- YOU choose to be my FRIEND!( I love this most right next to you loving Jesus.)
Happy Birthday my friend! You are one of a kind and I am happy to be able to call you my flend.
I complelty agree with this list, Michelle, you’re the best, happy almost birthday friend!!
Yes! I second this list, as well! Except I have never tried her French Toast. Now I need it! Haha. Happy birthday, Michelle!