I came across this pin on Pinterest this week and knew I had to share it.
Just the other day I was venting to Michelle about my “failures” as a mother and how I just needed a break. You know what I mean don’t you Moms? The days where you feel like you are getting nowhere in this role as mom. Days when you feel like you are just the maid, cook, taxi driver and every other hat you wear. Days where you feel like no one sees all that you do and your wheels just keep on spinning and you just keep on moving from one day to the next.
Within the same conversation we were discussing this little blog baby of ours and our writing plans for the next week. Michelle of course had a great idea (she always does) and I had nothing.
After I admitted I was bone dry on ideas I commented that I would just write about how I am the BEST MOM EVER.
Michelle laughed, I said something sarcastic and then from the back seat I hear these words, ” You can’t be the best mom ever.” These words, spoken from my 8 year old. Don’t you love when they chime in to a conversation you don’t even know they are listening to.
What the heck kid? You better think I am the best mom ever and then she said this, “Mom, you can’t be the best mom ever because to every kid their mom is the best mom ever. But Mom… your the best Mom in MY ever.”
And then I fell to mush.
Mush because sometimes we Moms just need those little reminders. The reminder that even when our world is crazy and busy or when we feel like we are not living up to the expectations we Moms set for our selves their are very important and special little ones that look to us and think WOW, that’s my Mom and she is AWESOME!
And you know what, it is true, YOU are awesome, I am awesome and WE are doing a great job. So today, after reading this cheesy but very true post, take a minute and give yourself a break and let yourself be reminded that just like me you are also the World’s Best Mom!
Your kiddo thinks so and so should you!
It’s not an easy job but someones got to do it so CONGRATS on being great at your most important job ever.
Now, why don’t you go on ahead and enjoy the weekend off.
Bahaha, who am I kidding, get yourself back to work and get loving on those kiddos again!
All right, that is super sweet! Thank you for writing this post.