*Disclaimer: This is a warning, this post will put it all out there with no holding back. We love all moms no matter how many kids, breast feed or not, all moms are equal!
Moms! What are we doing? Even more specifically, Mom Bloggers…what are WE doing?
It is time we have a heart to heart, friend to friend. Let’s take a look back down memory lane to the moment you decided you wanted to be a mom blogger. Why did you decide to do this?
Did you decide to put your life out for all to see so you could create distention among Moms that are not just like you?
No, you didn’t.
If you are anything like us, you started blogging because you wanted other Moms to feel like they are apart of a team and not alone. You wanted them to realize that no matter how different we are one thing will always bind us, Motherhood.
Motherhood is hard! I do not care how wonderful of a mom you are when it gets down to it, this job will probably be your hardest job ever.
And yet lately, it seems that we (bloggers) have taken it upon ourselves to create a divide between the very individuals we originally set out to bring together.
You guys, how many times do we as Moms have to address the dreaded Mommy Wars?
When are we all going to understand that Moms come in all shapes and sizes, all walks of life, they breast feed and they don’t, they spank and then some don’t, some only have 1 child and some choose to have 19?
We are all different. We were all created different.
And thank God we are! How boring would it be if we were all the same?
Moms, it’s time to give others a little grace and a benefit of the doubt.
Step back next time you do not understand the decisions another mom is making and think of why they may actually be making those decisions.
Maybe the Mom with 1 child would love to have more children but the road to 1 was so hard that she is beyond grateful for the blessing God already gave her.
Maybe the Mom that is giving her child formula has a medical issue where if the medications she is on seeps through her breast milk it could harm her baby.
Maybe the Mom who works outside of the home loves her job and is a better Mother because of it.
Maybe the Mom who had a C-section gave every other option a try but this was the only way to save her baby. Or maybe, she just preferred to have a C-section and that is A-ok!
Maybe the Mom you see in the middle of Target with a screaming child who just won’t settle down is doing the very best she can. Maybe her day has been for the birds and this is her needed relief.
Maybe, we need to stop and realize that we do not know the road another walks down. We do not know what brought each Mom to the point they are at now.
Moms! Stop the nonsense and let’s be encouraging.
Mom Bloggers! I get it, share your opinion. Heck, I want to hear it. But, do it in love and do it in a way that is benefiting others and not tearing them down.
And for goodness sakes, do not give your post a snooty title just for good SEO. We are better than this, Moms!
Now, let’s go give another Mom a pat on the back today and tell them how wonderful they are!
A freaking men!! Great post!! Xxoo