It’s almost here Moms….Summer! (cue this picture because it is STILL all that consumes our home)
Only a few more days to go and the moment we have been counting down to for months will be here. But, to be honest, I am a little nervous about this transition. This will be our first summer where all 3 of our kids are out of the baby phase and ready to take fun on with full force. And since my kids are 8,3, and 2 finding fun and activities to keep them all happy will be a tricky one.
So, this summer in order to keep some order around here we are going to make some list. With our little ones being so young, I am going to sit down with Eden and come up with a list of fun things that she would like to do this summer as well as some goals to achieve at home to prepare for the next school year.
But before we get into all of the fun stuff I created a Summer Checklist for Eden to help keep her on top of her daily responsibilities. Lately, we have been working on taking ownership of our daily tasks without Mom (me) having to ask a million bagillion times. Although she has been doing a great job during the school year I want to make sure we do not fall of track during the summer.
I went ahead and laminated this chart and I have clipped all of her Summer lists to her clip board. She keeps this board in her room and uses a dry erase marker to check off her list as the day goes on. This particular chart is very general but it definitely helps to keep her on task. It also limits the amount of TV watched, keeps our books being read and in turn I am one happy Mom!
You will see that I did not leave out chores for the day. During the summer Eden will also have a daily chore outside of her normal chores to help with. I will be making her a list for this as well so she can look at the day and do the chores listed for that day. Of course the first chore for each day will be to make sure her room is clean!
So, with the craziness of summer creeping up on us I am hoping that these easy charts will make our days run more smoothly. I know that I can at least use them when the dreaded question comes of “What are we going to do today?” comes up.
My response…..have you completed your checklist today? At least this will buy we a little more time to figure out how to keep these girls entertained!
I would love to hear from you! How do you plan on keeping your family organized this summer? Are you a list maker or are you a fly be the seat of your pants-er?
This organization thing is not something I am very good at so I will keep you posted on our progress!
You need to add… Visit Mrs Toland to your summer fun list!!! Come hang out by the pool with us
DEFINITELY! We would LOVE to come see you!